To handle your company’s revenue, expenses, profit, loss, customer names, addresses, phone numbers, and more, Aricho IT offers you a new software program called Sun ERP System. You can manage suppliers, store product details, manage stock, and maintain records of government furnishings and equipment with this software. You can utilize our software to digitize your firm, including the accounts department and other areas.
Technology: The Laravel framework and PHP are used in the development of this product.
Use this URL to sign in and try the software:
Please get in touch with us if you’d like to buy the program, rent it, or subscribe to it at a discounted rate each month.
Mobile : 01914201270
Whatsapp : 01914201270
Email :
ঠিকানা : ২৯, শাপলা ক্লিনিক বিল্ডিংয়ের (৩য় তলা), ময়লাপোতা মোড়, খুলনা ।